News from the Upper School

Week of Dec. 4
Week of Dec. 4
Week of Dec. 4

The opening of December brings both a sense of excitement and angst as the realization that we have one week before exams sets in. I'm always amazed at how quickly the first semester passes.

Before I share updates for next week, I want to give a quick overview of exam procedures.

We've shared the exam schedule for the last few weeks, but here it is again:

Exam Expectations

  • Students should arrive at least 15 minutes before their exam (8:45 or 12:45).
  • Exams are scheduled for two hours, but students may take up to three hours to complete their assessment. Students will not be released from an exam room earlier than 11:00 (morning exam) or 3:00 (afternoon exam). Students requiring time beyond two hours will be allowed to leave upon exam completion.
  • Students with two exams on the same day are not permitted to leave campus between exams. Lunch is available in the Dining Commons.
  • Students studying on campus should do so in Presnell or the library. 
  • Phones and smartwatches must be powered off and left in a locker or book bag. Otherwise, they will be collected by the proctor. Book bags should be left in a locker or outside the exam room. Students may bring a book to read if they finish early. They may not have study materials with them during an exam.
  • Food is not permitted in exam rooms without a medical need. Water is allowed.
  • Relaxed dress is acceptable during exam week. Pajamas are not allowed.

Next week is relatively quiet in comparison. We begin with an E day on Monday. We hope you will join us on Thursday for the MS/US Winter Band and Chorus Concert at 6:30 in the Stone Gym. It's always a fun evening! Friday is Ugly Holiday Sweater Day in Upper School. Prizes will be awarded to the winner of each grade level.

During exam week, Interact has arranged for the Humane Society to bring cuddly animals to help students destress for a bit. The furry friends will be on campus during the midday break on Tuesday, December 12, in the Dent Gallery. Hot Chocolate will also be served. In response to their kindness, we would like to collect needed items. Below is a list shared by the Humane Society. Students can drop donations off in the provided bins in the Upper School.

Before I sign off, I want to thank David Roark for closing the Month of Gratitude with a morning assembly talk to Upper School students. Mr. Roark has a gift for words and reminded us of the importance of focusing not on what's missing, but instead on what is there. Below, Mr. Roark facilitates a Harkness discussion with his freshmen English students. 

Stay dry and enjoy the weekend!


College Counseling Corner

Week of Feb. 12

Looking Ahead:

College Degree Showcase - Tuesday, February 20th at 5:30 PM 

Parents' Community Seminar Room

All Upper School students and parents are invited to attend. Representatives from Clemson University will be here to share information on a variety of majors.

Please RSVP to 


Attention - Parents of Juniors!

Please remember to schedule your Junior Family Meeting with your college counselor. Students, please also complete your Student Brag Sheet before scheduling your meeting. We look forward to seeing you all soon!


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